M.E.G. Incidents Archive
This file contains the details of the virus outbreak that led to the destruction of the M.E.G. Base "Caduceus Vanguard". The information compiled here is to be used to further research the entities that have now taken over Level 606. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited and will be met with severe punishment.
On April 15, 2023, at 2:13 AM, a Hound had no-clipped to the beginning of Level 606; sector A Guards responsible for security immediately responded to the threat and subsequently terminated the entity. However, even after its apparent death, the Hound was able to stand up briefly before vomiting all the blood in its body and falling to the ground. Immediately after, the blood began to move on its own and had turned into a humanoid form, attacking the guards, who were killed and ended up vomiting blood in the same manner as the Hound. This resulted in an outbreak which took less than 8 minutes to overwhelm sector A. As sector A was falling to the unknown entity, sector B guards were ordered to hold out for sectors C and D to evacuate to Level 11. Unfortunately, in spite of the best efforts made by the staff of the level and M.E.G. guards, the entities have managed to infect 90% of the personnel, with very few staff members and guards making it out through the exit in sector D.
Below are the audio transcriptions of the interviews conducted by M.E.G. researcher Dr. Dan Scholz with one of the surviving guards going by the name of "Alex":
Date: 4/20/2023
Time: 20:21
Interviewer: Dan Scholz
Interviewee: Alex
Dan Scholz: Hello, Alex. I'm glad you can give this interview; we really need to know what happened there and what we are dealing with. I'm Doctor Dan Scholz; just call me Dan; it doesn't matter, but what does matter is that you tell me everything from the first second down to the last when you left to level.
Alex: Of course, doctor. Everything went down quickly, so I'm afraid this will be rather short.
Dan Scholz: It's quite alright, Alex; every bit of detail matters.
Alex: It was around 2 a.m. I think being assigned to guard Sector D is probably what saved my life. The halls were, as usual, busy with all kinds of injured people being carried around. You know what I'm talking about. We've received news through the walkie-talkie that a hound no-clipped into sector A, which was unusual as we've never seen anything no-clip here other than us. Well, two minutes later, the guys on the other side reported that it had been dealt with, as it was bleeding and weakened anyway, and it could barely stand on its feet.
Dan Scholz: Hmm, interesting.
Alex: So, we pretty much just carried on with whatever we were doing, waiting for more detail. We heard someone ask over the walkie-talkie if hounds are supposed to vomit blood when they die, to which someone else quickly said no. That seemed kinda weird, but we just kept doing whatever. Then something weird happened.
Dan Scholz: Was it 2:15 AM?
Alex: Yes, it took less than two minutes.
Alex: A report then came that the blood was starting to move; that alone freaked me out a bit. We stopped to listen for a bit, as we could literally hear sector A guards emptying their magazines on that thing.
Dan Scholz: And then?
Alex: Screams, followed by howls.
Dan Scholz: Noted.
Alex: Then sector A fell almost immediately; sector B guards were barely notified, but even if they were, what could they have done? They fell as fast as sector A.
Alex: We then received orders to begin evacuating everyone, what was left of sector B alongside C and D. But, as I said, sector B guards fell almost immediately and then us in sector D were ordered to hurry the evacuation of what was left of sectors C and D.
Alex: We barely managed to get some people out. Some were in critical condition, so we had to leave them there, and that's what hurt me the most, because in those moments I saw exactly what was happening. Those things, jumping on people and taking all their blood, even those who managed to somehow escape later turned almost immediately.
Dan Scholz: How so?
Alex: Trust me, even if I were to be the biggest genius there ever was, I couldn't tell you because of that chaos, but I saw that some people that turned had deep wounds, so perhaps it infects others through blood?
Dan Scholz: Indeed, a hypothesis.
Alex: Well, I've tried my luck to fire a few rounds at them, but I don't think bullets even tickle them; they just go through.
Alex: As this was unfolding, we got out the most people we could've in the situation, and I was the last one to close the door to Level 11.
Dan Scholz: I see. I can't imagine the terror that unfolded in such a short span of time. Would this be all you saw?
Alex: Yes.
Alex: Actually, doc, there is one more thing.
Dan Scholz: Go on, Alex.
Alex: While they were chasing people, some were breaking the lights all around the level, and the fire caused by the chaos behind seemed to be hurting them.
Dan Scholz: Are you sure? This is something important, and as such I need to ask whether you saw one of these entities being killed by the fire?
Alex: I couldn't tell, but I doubt, as they were breaking them and resuming the chase, though it seemed that if the fire got in the way, they'd do their best to avoid it under any form, even if it meant that their victims would get away in the process. That's all I had to further say.
Dan Scholz: I see. We can wrap this up here, then. Thank you for the information provided, Alex.
Exit: 4/5
Very Difficult to Exit
Environment: 3/5
High Environmental Risk
Entities: 5/5
Hostile Infestation
The first hallway upon entering the level.
Level 606 is a series of hospital hallways with a set layout, similar to modern US hospitals. The walls appear to be made out of hardened Polyvinyl chloride and they are generally of white color. These hallways contain large rooms with different purposes, with various hospital equipment, such as blood stands, beds, chairs, or cabinets containing medicine. Some of these rooms even had working operating equipment; however, they were rare as only a couple few were reported in the entire level. Level 606 served as a base for the M.E.G., entitled "Caduceus Vanguard".
After the demise of the base, the M.E.G. assigned guards to the only known entrance of the level in order to inform wanderers that medical help cannot be granted anymore.
To ease access all around, Level 606 was split into four sectors, assigned from A to D, each serving the designated purposes:
Sector A
Sector A served as the entrance to Level 606, which is only possible by touching the "Donate Blood" poster on Level 109. It contained the Emergency Department, Orthopedic Department, and Radiology Department. Upon entering the level now, wanderers will be met with a foul odor, alongside the horrific image of walls being soaked in blood. There is minimal entity count in this sector, although precaution is still advised.
Sector B
Sector B was the middle section of Level 606. This department had a higher number of operating machines and was thus designated for the Surgery, Neurosurgery, and Anesthesiology Departments. This sector has the fewest amount of entities due to the ongoing fires resulted from the breakdown of the machinery found here, which greatly affects the entities.
Sector C
Sector C was the third section of Level 606. The Intesive Care, Ophthalmology, and Cardiology were the designated departments for this sector. The source of the foul odor in the level is found here as bodies and body parts are stashed here. These bodies appear to have been altered beyond recognition, and some have been sewn together to form masses of human flesh. The reason for this is currently unknown.
Sector D
Sector D represented the largest series of halls within the level and was seemingly designed to function as a transfusion center. Multiple transfusion departments, both for medical and research purposes, were set up here, alongside a storage unit. The entity count is at its peak here, and attempting to cross this section without heavy weaponry has been deemed impossible. Halls are often cut off by the entities due to the sheer sizes they posses. The state of disrepair of this sector is highly advanced, with the air even transforming into a thick red fog-like gas.
Level 606 used to be devoid of entities. However, very rare occurrences of entities no-clipping in this level have happened. The level is now infested with Blood Harvesters.
Blood Harvesters
Artist depiction of a Blood Harvester.
The Blood Harvesters are the final form of the yet-unresearched "Blood Rage Virus". They can be described as masses of blood that can take all kinds of shapes, which makes hiding from them next to impossible as they can slip through the smallest opening. Generally, if they're not hunting, they will take a humanoid form and wander aimlessly. If they are hunting, they will take the form of a Hound to gain an advantage in speed. Upon catching the prey, the Blood Harvester will begin tearing holes in the skin of its victim in order to create a wound, and then absorb all the blood in the body, leaving the corpse in an almost mummified state. However, reports from survivors stated that some were only infused with infected blood from the harvesters, which resulted in the death and subsequent transformation into a new Blood Harvester of a few unfortunate victims. Blood Harvesters are believed to have poor eyesight, and as such, they are using echolocation to identify and hunt prey. They are also known to mimic human speech and specific entity howls to lure victims.
The most unique characteristic of the biology of a Blood Harvester is the ability of the virus to prevent agglutination through an unknown process, as such Blood Harvesters can absorb different types of blood without suffering the effects of the aforementioned reaction. Flashing a light towards a Blood Harvester will reveal that it has no internal organs. Lastly, the blood making up the Blood Harvesters appears to be of a higher viscosity than regular blood.
Blood Harvesters are known to chase in packs, and have been observed to conjoin in order to become conglomerations of blood, reaching impressive sizes. Combating a Blood Harvester is to be avoided; however, it appears they are sensitive to extreme heat and liquid nitrogen and will retreat immediately upon being exposed to either one of them.
As of now, no Blood Harvester has been observed outside Level 606, although it is theorized they are native to an yet-undiscovered level. Despite the fact that there is little to no information related to the virus, infection can be easily spotted. An individual infected will begin to feel sick shortly after coming into contact with the virus, marked by constant bloody coughing. Within minutes, they will end up vomiting most if not all the blood in their systems. As of now, there is no stopping this process and all wanderers are to take precautions if they see somebody coughing blood.
Outposts and Communities
There are no known bases, outposts, or communities on this level.
Entrances And Exits
- Touching a "Donate Blood" poster on Level 109 will cause the wanderer to become unconscious and wake up at the beginning of the level.
- The only known exit out of this level so far is going through the last door on Sector D, which will take the wanderer to Level 11.