Things are changing, the liminality is coming to a halt.
The Backrooms have their own working of things, their own systems which we tried to comprehend. These systems can be understood but can never be explained within the confines of our language communication. One such system is about the behavior of the alternate dimension and its connection with the other1. These properties have been given variables for us to better understand them, they have been termed "Component S" and "Component L". They represent certain behaviors of the Backrooms. Recently, there have been multiple observations made that indicate that Component S is gradually reducing at a very slow pace, and if they reduce to a certain point in time, they would lead to a temporary change in the behavior of the Backrooms as a whole. This reduction in Component S level has been termed as "Liminal Breakdown".
Component S level
Component S is an abstract term that is used to understand the complex workings of the backrooms. Component S represents the following:
- Path of the Frontrooms and the Backrooms is one way i.e. travel can only occur from the Frontrooms to the Backrooms.
- There is a pathway between levels allowing travel through levels.
- The Backrooms copy the Frontrooms as explained in Phenomenon 7 - "Liminal Echo"
When Component S decreases, one or more of these events reduce in occurrence. Despite many attempts, its current value cannot be numerically perceived due to the abstract nature of Component S. The amount of Component S properties varies from level to level, some levels are more prone to no clipping than others, such levels have more Component S properties while other levels which are harder to no clip have less Component S properties. The Component S levels have been decreasing in all the levels in general, i.e., there has been a small and unnoticeable overall decrease in the probability of no clipping occurring in the Backrooms. If they continue to reduce below a certain point, events of the breakdown day will occur. The exact reason for this decline is unknown but one of the reasons is said to be increased activity in the backrooms. As more and more humans enter and transverse the Backrooms, there is a load on its ability to maintain pathways among the levels that consume more Component S, i.e., the pathways between levels are being overused and cannot remain intact. All the working in the Backrooms are dependent on each other in one way or another, this means that if the pathways become more unstable, the other functions which are represented by Component L will be affected too.
Component L:
Similar to Component S, Component L is also an abstract term used to understand the complex workings of the Backrooms, it represents the following:
- The number of hostile entities on a particular level.
- The stability of a level (how stable a level is, levels with higher stability are safer).
Unlike Component S, Component L levels vary from level to level. Levels with high Component L levels are very dangerous and have a high hostile entity count. Levels with lower levels of Component L are very stable i.e., they are relatively safe and have low hostile entity count. Component L levels are usually constant in a particular level though data has shown that Component L levels are inversely proportional to Component S levels. This indicates that there might be a slight rise in Component L levels on levels whose Component L levels are high. This rise may not be noticeable in levels with lower Component L levels.
Breakdown day:
The decline of Component S levels is becoming more and more rapid with time. Its effects are still not yet noticeable and are speculated to occur promptly when Component S levels reach the breakdown point. This point in time has been termed the "Breakdown Day" and is roughly estimated to occur after about 80 days (this information is as of July 19th, 2023).
The following events will occur on the Breakdown day in predicted order:
- The inter-level pathways are blocked, inter-level no clipping will not be functional, and inter-level doors will lead to nowhere.
- The pathway between the Frontrooms and the backrooms will get blocked, i.e., no clipping in The Frontrooms will not be functional.
- 10 hours after the previous event, the pathway to The Frontrooms will be open, i.e., it would be possible to no clip into The Frontrooms, however, it is not known where the pathway would be connected. There is a prediction that some entities might be able to escape to The Frontrooms however this scenario is very unlikely to take place.
This phenomenon was discovered by the L.S.O, but the exact identity of the person who discovered this phenomenon has been kept confidential. This phenomenon was discovered using multiple observations of the Backrooms and is to be kept in secrecy to avoid mass panic.
Breakdown Protocol:
Breakdown protocol is a devised protocol of the procedures to be done during the events of the Breakdown day. All the major groups on the major levels are to be informed about the Breakdown Protocol. 30 days before the estimated time for the events of the Breakdown day, there will be a mass evacuation to safe levels, the reason for the evacuation is to be kept confidential. Wanderers will be advised to alert other Wanderers about the evacuation. There will be groups formed on the evacuation levels for sheltering wanderers. After the evacuation, all the Wanderers are to maintain their position in their respective groups until the events of the Breakdown day take place. Once the events of the Breakdown day pass, all the wanderers will be dispersed.
Do’s and Don’ts:
- Stay alert about the current Component S levels
- Keep this information under secrecy to avoid mass panic
- Stay on a safe level before the event of the Breakdown day
- Panic during the events of the Breakdown day
- Attempt to no clip or enter doors during the events of the Breakdown day, attempting to do so may result in serious injury.